NAEYC PDI: Tap, Click, Read: Critical Literacy for the Class of 2030
At the annual professional development institute of the National Association for the Education of Young Children, Lisa and Michael will be speaking about the research behind their book. Learn about approaches to literacy development that use new tools but put the power in the hands of educators and families. Watch and discuss short videos that spotlight how community organizations are harnessing technology in new ways. Get insights from new studies on what works and what doesn’t in using digital media to promote language development and early literacy. Explore new policies that could ensure all children have opportunities to be part of ecosystems of language development and literacy using print and digital media of all kinds.

Getting the InTEL: Interactive Map Highlights Tech-Integrated Early Literacy Programs
Last month, New America and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop released Integrating Technology in Early Literacy, an interactive map showing more than 30 parenting and early education programs across the country that are embedding new technologies in their efforts to support language development and early literacy.

Why We Wrote “Tap, Click, Read”
This book is not about championing technology, nor is it about avoiding it. We envision a future that is human-powered first and tech-assisted second. We see it as a "third way," an approach driven by the urgent need for all children and parents to have access to the same 21st-century literacy opportunities already at the fingertips of today’s affluent families.

Articles from the Seeding Reading Series (2014-15)
More than 20 articles on how technology intersects with early literacy, published in 2014-15 as part of a blog series by New America & JGCC.

A Map in Progress: Integrating Technology in Early Literacy
New America and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop have launched an interactive map showing innovations in early literacy and parent engagement across the country.