New: Media Mentorship Forum & Workshop, Dec 2020
Close readers of Tap, Click, Read will know that media mentorship is a concept that shows up in several chapters on how to support families and children. This week, New America is hosting a three-day forum (three 90-minute sessions) on media mentorship, with a focus on digital equity, media literacy, and the role of public librarians. From the event page: The need for media mentorship gained tremendous urgency this year. Educators and parents continue to be deluged by new types of media and digital tools. Becoming an informed citizen now demands new skills in filtering out disinformation and learning mindsets that advance media literacy. And the Covid-19 pandemic means more and more of our learning experiences are mediated by digital media and technology, with questions of digital equity front and center. Join us for a national forum on how media mentorship meets this moment, with three 90-minute sessions over three days co-hosted by Chicago Public Library, Skokie Public Library, and...Read More >

Announcing a Tap, Click, Read Toolkit to Promote Early Literacy in a World of Screens
Download new materials designed to help educators and other leaders put insights into practice, helping children learn to read in a digital age.

Video: Tap, Click, Read Webinar
In a March 29 webinar presented by EdWeb and Common Sense Education, Michael Levine and Lisa Guernsey, authors of Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens, discussed how educators and parents can help children grow into strong, passionate readers skilled at using media and technology of all kinds—print, digital, and everything in between. In case you missed it, you can find a link to the archived recording here. Educators, don’t forget to take the brief quiz following the video to receive a CE certificate via email.

Getting the InTEL: Interactive Map Highlights Tech-Integrated Early Literacy Programs
Last month, New America and the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop released Integrating Technology in Early Literacy, an interactive map showing more than 30 parenting and early education programs across the country that are embedding new technologies in their efforts to support language development and early literacy.

How Do You Find a Great Educational App?
Last month, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center and New America released a report of our recent market scan and content analysis of language- and literacy-focused apps for young children. The report, titled Getting a Read on the App Stores, presented our key findings regarding the characteristics in the apps’ in-store descriptions as well as various features within their actual content.

“Tap, Click, Read” co-author Lisa Guernsey on “The Diane Rehm Show”
On Thursday, November 5, Lisa Guernsey, co-author of “Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens,” appeared on the NPR program, The Diane Rehm Show as part of a panel on teens, toddlers and mobile devices. Guernsey discussed how educators and parents can help children develop literacy skills with the use of mobile devices and screen time.

Tap, Click, Read at Sesame Workshop
On Thursday, October 15, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop hosted a book party to celebrate the release of Tap, Click, Read. Thanks to Sesame Workshop’s Chief Operating Officer Steve Youngwood for introducing the evening. And we were thrilled to have Ellen Galinsky introduce Annie Murphy Paul, who led authors Lisa Guernsey and Michael Levine in a lively conversation about early literacy and digital media. If you weren’t able to join us, here are some of the highlights via Twitter. Check back soon for video from the event. [View the story “Tap Click Read” on Storify]

Video: Tap, Click, Read at New America
Many thanks to everyone who was able to join us for last week’s book launch event at New America in Washington, DC, both in person and virtually! Special thanks to Anne-Marie Slaughter, Ralph Smith, and Kevin Carey for a great evening with Lisa Guernsey and Michael Levine. If you missed it, you can still tune in thanks to this archived video: Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Mapping the Landscape of Readialand: Michael Levine at The Governance Lab
This post was written by The GovLab and originally appeared on the Joan Ganz Cooney Center website in July 2015. Televisions, touchscreens, and smartphones are now almost ubiquitous in homes. Many young children are watching, listening to, or interacting with two to three hours of screen media per day. In a recent installment of the Ideas Lunch series at the Governance Lab, a Brooklyn-based action research lab focused on the use of new technology to govern better, the Cooney Center’s Michael Levine explained that rather than portending the death of reading, devices, apps, and tools can help children learn by fostering a conversation with kids about what they are seeing. In his talk, Levine discussed his new book Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screen (and other Cooney Center publications), in which he and co-author Lisa Guernsey of New America lay out the contours and landscape of what they call “Readialand,” a place where adults have the...Read More >

Tech and Young Children: U.S. Dept. of Ed Elevates Need for Guidance and PD
Now that digital technologies—and touch-screen tablets in particular—are finding their way into preschool and kindergarten classrooms, educators are faced with multiple questions about if, how, and when it is best to introduce them to young children. On September 3rd, the U.S. Department of Education brought together nearly 60 people from across the early childhood field to think through what would be of most help. At least three needs became apparent throughout the day: Educators and parents need succinct, research-based messages about what works best. Teachers and leaders need professional development on how to skillfully integrate technology into their teaching. And the app marketplace needs markers of quality informed by the science of child development. The roundtable strategy session, hosted by the Office of Early Learning and the Office of Educational Technology, drew in experts from across the country, including developmental scientists, family engagement specialists, education school faculty, public media leaders, and philanthropic foundations. It opened with remarks from U.S. Secretary...Read More >